
The Three "Ms"

This workshop is a course based on creative movement and the human body offered to schools...libraries and recreation department and summer camps.

The Three Ms

People of all ages, especially children, discover the courage to embrace life by playing with The Three M's: Movement, Mime, and Masks, the building blocks of great theater. And these M's are a powerful trio of tools for unleashing potential, overcoming obstacles, and living freely.

I developed these workshops for kids and students at schools so that school can fit it into their curriculum.

I get the kids to work together and become "self-aware" not by directing them, but by helping them to collaborate together
creatively..."When the kids create a story together—a story about something real, like the planet Saturn—they learn how to listen, to follow, and to lead. We don't use words as much as we use movement, and what they create always amazes me."

The theoretical method is in essence mime-dynamic. Mainly, based on improvisation and observation of our life and nature . In short time, children become familiar with their bodies and they can master themselves as they learn what they are capable of doing. They experience the freedom from inhibitions, through a series of games, silence, gestures, and masks. They learn how to cultivate and enhance their awareness to grow and challenge their imagination and much more.

The workshops address the New Jersey core Curriculum Content Standards in the Visual and Performing Arts. School Residency Programs in Mime, Mask, Movement

  • Kindergarten through Second Grade Residencies ( Mime/Colors/Theater Games/Songs/Stories 4-6 sessions)
  • Third to Fifth Grade Residencies (Improvisation/Choreography/Mime / Masks larvaires 4-6 sessions)
  • Junior High and High School Residencies (Neutral Mask/ comedia dell'arte mask ,Mime 4-6 (sessions) Teachers Workshops ( half day) All workshops performed by Samar.

The Neutral Mask

My wonderful teacher...The Master Jacques Le Coq said..."There are three masks: The one we think we are, the one we really are, and the one we have in common." I offer this workshop, "The Neutral Mask" for men and women in group or in private sessions. This workshop allows you to reach your balance, explore your curiosity for what's inside you, and what's around you. Get you in touch with Silence and how to listen to it and how to decode it.

This workshop leads you from action to being. It helps you discover openness and freedom by teaching you to pay attention and concentrate on every single change in you. When we focus on the face, we see with the body. When we listen to the body, we connect to the Self, and we discover the true movement within.